Oh, to Be Safe at
Maxine M.
A child has
disappeared; lost somewhere in the stand of woods nearby
Swiftly, a search
is organized, but it’s late and light is rapidly leaving the sky
Days pass, fears
grow, the quest continues, the parents can only ask “why?”
A young soldier
didn’t return after a fierce fire fight on the enemy’s ground
The worse was
feared; the question was, had he been killed or captured, if found?
The official report
read: “whereabouts unknown” as the situation unwound
The pilot had
vanished off radar, radio contact was lost, hope was running low
His last known
position was over rough terrain, only rugged rocks below
Could he have
possibly survived? Only after time and an exhaustible search would they
actually know
Now as we look
around, we see many who are “lost”, even those in PLAIN SIGHT
Spiritually lost,
eyes that are blinded from the truth that God’s word is totally right
Their names missing
from the “Lamb’s Book of Life”, in which all the truly saved, Jesus will write
“Lost” like
bewildered sheep, estranged from the Shepherd…not part of His flock
Often UNAWARE they
are lost, with no idea that tomorrow may bring an eternal shock
For no one knows
when the final moments will tick off their personal clock
Many lost are
regular church goers, weekly filling up THEIR spot in a pew
But their heart
isn’t CHANGED, it just seems the proper thing to do
It’s more of a
“club” feeling than to actually make Jesus LORD...living a life truly made new
But from the young,
just starting life, to those whose race is nearly run
They all need the
Savior to rescue them, the love & peace provided ONLY by God’s Son
It’s VITAL they
comprehend what Christ’s death on the cross truly has done
The fact that the
very Son of God became a human man, with a SPECIFIC goal in mind
He would teach,
heal diseases, demonstrate how people should live…lovingly and kind
Then He’d suffer at
the hands of unbelievers…Rome and religious leaders combined
He was beaten,
bloodied, mocked, abandoned even for a time by the Father, as God’s Holiness
would demand
Dying on that cruel
cross for all man’s sins, the fulfillment of what the Father had planned
The purpose was the
PERFECT dying for the imperfect, a LOVE we don’t fully understand
Because by His
death and Resurrection, the darkness of being “lost” is defeated
Sins forgiven,
souls washed clean by His shed blood, restored, Salvation complete
To be “found”, no
longer lost, control turned over to Jesus, the god of SELF unseated
But there are some
who have never heard the Gospel Story nor read God’s Holy Word
Or if they have,
they have rejected, disregarded, or ignored the things they’ve heard
Choosing instead to
be NONCOMPLIANT in asking for forgiveness, a “worldly” life is preferred
Going life alone,
focusing on personal goals, walking on the dangerous path the lost tread
Whereas ONCE you
accept Jesus as Lord, you can simply rely on what He said
“I’ve come to seek
and to save that which is LOST”; He will provide a glorious Heavenly future
Now before the
risen Savior went back to His Father, He instructed His followers to “go &
Relay the Gospel
Story to all who would listen, seek the lost, Satan’s lies repel
Invite all to
accept His Gift of Salvation, find comfort, on a Heavenly course excel
The Father
constantly calls out for His lost child, as any good parent would
He searches all the
places they might be, there’s no place too remote His word can’t be understood
He wants them to
come Home to the light, to find true love, mercy, Grace and all that is good
Since the lost are
everywhere around us, opportunities to enlighten abound
It’s our duty to
report the ways in which all the LOST can be found
By living as an
example of His love…the Father’s message expound
“I am the WAY, the
TRUTH and the LIFE”…seeking saving words Jesus so freely broadcast
How only His
Sacrifice on the cross can remove those dark stains of the past
Because to be
FOUND!!...oh what a relief, comfort and excitement it brings to be SAFE at
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