Wednesday, October 3, 2018

                                                                                                         By: Maxine M.

Since man first recorded history nations, races, genders & individuals desire someone to dominate
Gain control, subdue another’s will, defeat any resistance, make themselves great
Repress others’ sense of freedom, obstruct, limit in what another can participate

So we see a SLAVE is one who follows orders of the MASTER, no choice or decision can be made
Their own thoughts, desires and ambitions are lost, self-worth starts to fade
Blind obedience leaves slaves bitter & resentful, with fear of punishment threats are laid

Submission is top priority, to conform to the master’s will is required
Independence is only a dream, an aspiration every human being has aspired
For one person to OWN another as PROPERTY, at the end of the Civil War, expired

But unfortunately, people can also be a slave to feelings, substance abuse, money…a harmful thing
All those “bad” habits we can’t seem to break, plus dealing with the CONSEQUENCES they bring
Addictions enslave us, dictate how we use our time, keep us on a taut string

Now because of Adam’s fall, all humans are born with a nature to sin
All subject to weakness, temptations, moral deficiency, evil desires common to men
Pride, covetousness, jealousy, lying, stealing, cheating just to help YOU win

But thanks be to God the Father, our Creator, sin doesn’t have to be our master
He had the perfect plan to FREE Souls from sin’s domination & it’s coming disaster
Leave us liberated, emancipated, the way to break the enslavement factor

God knew the ONLY way to free sinful man was through the sacrifice of His own Son
The life and precious Holy blood Jesus GAVE was the SOLITARY way the Gift of Salvation could be done
It gave us a choice to either receive His eternal rewards OR His love completely shun

Now what slave wouldn’t CHOOSE to gain their freedom…leave slavery behind
Just ask the Saviour to redeem your eternal Soul, make it clean & pure as He designed
Breaking all those addictions & bad habits we’ve acquired…true freedom find

In accepting Him, you’re no longer a SLAVE, but a willing SERVANT of the Risen Lord
With a Master you can LOVE, in control, as the Holy Spirit comes onboard
The comfort of being forgiven & His unbreakable promises…how can these things be ignored?

The Bible tells us we cannot serve two masters at the same time, thus a choice must be made
To follow Satan and the temptations he offers, OR choose Christ because of the awesome price He paid
Since it took His shed blood to create the opportunity…slavery for freedom trade

With Jesus as your Master, you’re BOUND BY LOVE, not chains…a happy servant you’ll be
He defeated Satan, death & the grave by dying, rising again for all to see
SERVING Him becomes then an honor & privilege on which ALL who do can agree

The Holy Spirit provides the gifts to SERVE Him with, so you can NOT say “there’s nothing I can do”
Spreading the Gospel by all means provided, demonstrating how His word is absolutely true
By being His hands and feet, helping those in need, showing Salvation’s point of view

“Whatever you do to the least of My Brothers, that you do unto Me,” Jesus said
Any service rendered to someone in need is service to the Lord…honor for Him instead
Visiting the sick, helping the poor, giving time & talent…without thought of reward in your head

From missionary servants willing to leave family & friends to serve Him overseas
To the minister at the pulpit, the choir’s gifted singer, the volunteer in the church nursery…infant cries appease
The generous willing giver, the prayer warriors on bended knee

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10:24, “The servant is not above their Master, but are to bring Glory to the Master’s name
The deeds done in service to Him isn’t to bring us profit, fortune or fame
Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, telling them they were to humbly do the same

So have you decided yet? Live as a SLAVE to sin or SERVANT to the soon coming King?
Wear Satan’s shackles or be set free, praises to Almighty God sing?
The choice needs to be made TODAY!! for we don’t know what just a day may bring

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