Thursday, May 17, 2018

Escape the Soon Coming WOE

By: Maxine Mullivan
As a young boy Jim loved the “trick” handcuffs he received on his birthday
He’d work enthusiastically until “I’m free, my hands are free!” he’d joyfully say
Escaping from their confinement intrigued him in his childhood play

Teenage years found him following the episodes of Houdini and his special form of art
Escaping from all types of dangerous situations, the hold your breath kind, stopping the heart
Only seconds from certain death, he would elude his demise, victory impart

“The Great Escape” movie was a big favorite, all the effort they made to succeed
God given desire to be free drove the prisoners to work tirelessly to fulfill that need
Many were recaptured, but a few were triumphant in where the escape would lead

After college Jim felt called to join the Fire Department, learn their specific skill
Fighting fires, helping many escape whatever was burning, a new hope instill
It gave him a passion for serving others; he knew this was his mission to fulfill

One day at the station he found a book called “The End Times” & all that would, one day, transpire
Intrigued, he read it whenever he took a break, a new source of anxiety he’d acquire
It told of how the world would be judged, as it once had been by the flood, but this time by fire

That God had set a day when His patience with man would run out and the consequence would be DIRE
He’d shown the Apostle John what would take place; things that will be, because of man’s sinfulness prior
John’s writing of the book of Revelation was meant as a WARNING, but to also HOPE inspire

It told of a coming world leader, riding onto the scene on a WHITE horse
Charming at first, but evil at heart; his power Satan will simply reinforce
Because since the Garden of Eden, behind all trouble he’s the ultimate source

Close behind will be a RED horse of war, when the dictator’s true intentions are known
Worldwide chaos, millions dying, as bloodshed & hatred are set in stone
Treaties broken, any sense of commitment is lost, everyone is just out for their own

Productive land is destroyed, ushering in the BLACK horse of famine to the scene
The value of money is reduced, starvation is rampant, there’s no one to intervene
The leader calls himself god, his statue is made to talk…idolatry is seen

The PALE (color of dead rotting flesh) horse arrives, humanity killed by meteorites falling from the sky
Complete islands disappear, great environmental woes, earthquakes, mighty rivers suddenly dry
Drastic changes in the sun and moon cause extreme heat to total darkness, mental stress sky high

People affected with boils, swarms of demonic locust, tremendous suffering day & night
Water turns foul when the creatures in them die, for daily survival people fight
In spite of such grief, man is still rebellious, their heart does NOT show them contrite

The evil leader MANDATES all must take the MARK to be able to buy or sell
Perhaps a micro-chip under the skin, those who refuse will be killed as well
BUT those who do have SEALED their eventual ticket to an eternal hell

Jim shuttered at the thought, how could all these things ever take place?
Would they happen in his lifetime, was there a way to prepare for this tribulation phase?
What kind of world would be left, would it be fit for the future human race?

Discussing this with a friend, he learned about God’s love, mercy and Grace
How, since man first sinned, He’d made a WAY TO ESCAPE for all to embrace
That BEFORE these things come to be, the Lord would CALL His children Home, leaving this earthly space

God promised to keep them from the hour of trial, by the power that raised Jesus from the dead
Believer’s graves will open, those within will rise to meet the Lord in the air…just as He said
Behind them, those believers still alive will answer the trumpet’s call, ESCAPING the coming dread

That very day Jim asked Jesus to forgive him, save him, set him free!!! Eternal protection bestow
ACCEPTING that ONLY God could & would help him escape the coming tribulation woe
He was so grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice, the ultimate LOVE His death & resurrection did show

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