Wednesday, October 3, 2018

                                          The Ultimate Goal
                                                                                                                               By: Maxine Mullivan

Freedom!! A condition of liberty, The Ultimate Goal unrestrained from what “EVIL” would dictate
Exempt from unfair laws & rules, which an unjust society would create
Free to live within fair laws, independent, but in a good community participate

We live in a wonderful “land of the free, home of the brave”
It’s our free choice to ELECT our leaders, HOPING they know how to behave
Lady Liberty has promised to welcome, not in any way enslave

But are you really free…even without visible chains in sight?
Many have apprehension, anxiety and dread that holds them tight
With simply a HOPELESS feeling, not knowing how to fight

Secrets of the past, addictions of the present keep us awake at night
Guilt is one of the strangest, hardest shackle to break and move from darkness to light
Or self-condemnation over something done, or what we didn’t do, things that need to be made right

For when the conscience is ignored, the soul will pay a very high cost
Because sins committed or sins of omission BIND the spirit…sense of freedom is tossed
Since freedom is everyone’s ultimate goal, that inner peace is lost

How then can we be FREE of condemnation of others OR self-inflicted turmoil?
God said, “Call on ME in the day of trouble and I’ll deliver you”…the stress will recoil
By relying on the Holy Spirit, trusting that Satan’s plan God will spoil

For Satan continually tries to enslave by falsehoods, rumors, misinformation and deceiving
Like the half-truth he told Eve, by questioning what God had said, leaving her unbelieving
Thus freedom to roam the garden was lost, their hearts the 1st to know grieving

Satan would love all humans to be in bondage to him, it’s his ULTIMATE goal
To keep them separated from God’s love, divided & LOST as a whole
Whereas God’s plan was to send HIS own Son to die, set free every soul

His death would be SACRIFICAL, He GAVE His life on the cross…not from what Pilate had to say
The Father’s love for all the world, this death & resurrection would convey
The penalty for sin is eternal death, but this Judgement, His act of love would pay

You can accept this liberating Gift and have your soul be set eternally free
Simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, be saved by the Freedom granted on Calvary’s tree
Free!! An all-inclusive pardon, no strings attached, all by Faith’s decree

Jesus said while here on earth, “You shall know the truth, and TRUTH shall set you free”
That “who-so-ever commits sin is slave to sin”, a truthful fact all can see
But that those whom the SON sets free are free INDEED…a positive guarantee

Now you may be in a prison cell, shackled by illness, or bound by mental strain
Or perhaps accumulating debt caused by overused credit…desires that go unrestrained
With all types of worries it’s often hard to, a sense of freedom maintain

Even as a Christian we frequently wear chains of heavy burden…such as fear
Trying to figure out WHAT the future holds…tomorrow!!, what will appear?
But by trusting God’s Holy Word we’ll be confident that one day He’ll dry every tear

When you’re young, thoughts of death are way off in the distant
You are free to dream, make plans, making them come true IF you’re persistent
But REMEMBER, it’s God who determines the future and that HIS plans are consistent

Now, as the years add up, thoughts of death become far more real
We think in terms of TODAY, not way down the road, with tomorrow we may NOT have to deal
But when you belong to Christ, believe in His promises, the future has His seal

To those chains of fear of WHAT lies beyond the grave we’ll no longer be bound
Because we’ll either be caught up to meet Him in the air at the last trumpet’s sound
Or arise in victory on that day, at last TOTAL FREEDOM will be found

                                                                                                     By: Maxine M.

Jill was a young vivacious girl, fresh out of school; the world she was ready to face
Armed with her new knowledge, she thought, the thinking of the “older” generation she could replace
Her dreams and ambitions were great, new adventures she wanted to embrace

Church had never been her way of life, only a few times to Sunday school
Grandpa had read to her Bible stories & stressed that all should live by the “Golden Rule”
Then one day a friend invited her to a downtown tent church Service; Jill thought that sounded cool

She liked the opening music; a modern, fast paced, contemporary beat
The lyrics spoke about Jesus, how only HE could make one’s life complete
How all the trials & problems in your life & future, FAITH in Him could defeat

The speaker seemed to be charming, with a winsome friendly smile
He read from the Bible how God just spoke and a perfect world He would compile
But that, by DISOBEDIENCE, sin came into existence…man’s perfection it would defile

He talked about how God the Father sent His own perfect Son to redeem every fallen Soul
That Jesus came to heal the sick, teach God’s will; for man to believe on Him was the goal
He spread love and compassion, showing that forgiveness was possible through His sacrificial role

That He was beaten, suffered tremendous pain and humiliation, crucified…hung on a cross to die
When He rose again on the 3rd Day, death was overcome, SALVATION for us He then could apply
Because when His death and resurrection is accepted by faith, our sin is covered…deliverance buy

So when we ASK Jesus to be OUR Saviour, all His promises are ours to claim
That no matter who we are, race or gender, old or young, rich or poor, His love is all the same
Once we are His, we will willingly live life to bring Glory to HIS name

Jill listened intently, felt a strong tug at her heart when the Pastor gave an alter call
That because of Jesus’ sacrifice, anyone could be SAVED from man’s fall
For those who wanted Him in their life to come forward; come, come one and all

Jill thought, but I’m so young, another time I can do that…along life’s way
It may STOP me from experiencing whatever I may want to do or say
Didn’t the speaker say ANYTIME one can simply call out & pray?

So she sat still, trying to calm her inner feelings, just put them aside
Stifling the conviction she felt, letting any sense of guilt mentally slide
Bringing to mind all those future desires, thinking it was a safe place to hide

“Let’s go,” she said to the friend, “so we can beat the rush out of the parking lot”
Thus, as many WERE going forward, she left behind the message the night had taught
The closing music summed up what Jill’s decision had wrought…

Almost persuaded how to believe
Almost persuaded Christ to receive
Some Souls seem to say
Go Spirit, go Thy way
Some more CONVENIENT day
On Thee I’ll call
Almost persuaded, harvest is past
Almost persuaded, doom comes at last
Almost cannot avail
Almost is but to fail
Sad, sad the bitter wail
Almost…but still lost

Jill tried to change the mood on the back home ride
Her friend seemed especially quiet, “I thought you’d go forward,” she finally cried
“There’s plenty of time for that stuff later,” Jill said. “In the meantime, I’ll take life in stride”

By now it was raining, the road becoming slick and it was one of the year’s darkest nights
The girls were driving way too fast, which always great danger invites
Suddenly the car skidded, the last thing Jill saw was the semi’s fast approaching headlights…

                                                                                                         By: Maxine M.

Since man first recorded history nations, races, genders & individuals desire someone to dominate
Gain control, subdue another’s will, defeat any resistance, make themselves great
Repress others’ sense of freedom, obstruct, limit in what another can participate

So we see a SLAVE is one who follows orders of the MASTER, no choice or decision can be made
Their own thoughts, desires and ambitions are lost, self-worth starts to fade
Blind obedience leaves slaves bitter & resentful, with fear of punishment threats are laid

Submission is top priority, to conform to the master’s will is required
Independence is only a dream, an aspiration every human being has aspired
For one person to OWN another as PROPERTY, at the end of the Civil War, expired

But unfortunately, people can also be a slave to feelings, substance abuse, money…a harmful thing
All those “bad” habits we can’t seem to break, plus dealing with the CONSEQUENCES they bring
Addictions enslave us, dictate how we use our time, keep us on a taut string

Now because of Adam’s fall, all humans are born with a nature to sin
All subject to weakness, temptations, moral deficiency, evil desires common to men
Pride, covetousness, jealousy, lying, stealing, cheating just to help YOU win

But thanks be to God the Father, our Creator, sin doesn’t have to be our master
He had the perfect plan to FREE Souls from sin’s domination & it’s coming disaster
Leave us liberated, emancipated, the way to break the enslavement factor

God knew the ONLY way to free sinful man was through the sacrifice of His own Son
The life and precious Holy blood Jesus GAVE was the SOLITARY way the Gift of Salvation could be done
It gave us a choice to either receive His eternal rewards OR His love completely shun

Now what slave wouldn’t CHOOSE to gain their freedom…leave slavery behind
Just ask the Saviour to redeem your eternal Soul, make it clean & pure as He designed
Breaking all those addictions & bad habits we’ve acquired…true freedom find

In accepting Him, you’re no longer a SLAVE, but a willing SERVANT of the Risen Lord
With a Master you can LOVE, in control, as the Holy Spirit comes onboard
The comfort of being forgiven & His unbreakable promises…how can these things be ignored?

The Bible tells us we cannot serve two masters at the same time, thus a choice must be made
To follow Satan and the temptations he offers, OR choose Christ because of the awesome price He paid
Since it took His shed blood to create the opportunity…slavery for freedom trade

With Jesus as your Master, you’re BOUND BY LOVE, not chains…a happy servant you’ll be
He defeated Satan, death & the grave by dying, rising again for all to see
SERVING Him becomes then an honor & privilege on which ALL who do can agree

The Holy Spirit provides the gifts to SERVE Him with, so you can NOT say “there’s nothing I can do”
Spreading the Gospel by all means provided, demonstrating how His word is absolutely true
By being His hands and feet, helping those in need, showing Salvation’s point of view

“Whatever you do to the least of My Brothers, that you do unto Me,” Jesus said
Any service rendered to someone in need is service to the Lord…honor for Him instead
Visiting the sick, helping the poor, giving time & talent…without thought of reward in your head

From missionary servants willing to leave family & friends to serve Him overseas
To the minister at the pulpit, the choir’s gifted singer, the volunteer in the church nursery…infant cries appease
The generous willing giver, the prayer warriors on bended knee

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10:24, “The servant is not above their Master, but are to bring Glory to the Master’s name
The deeds done in service to Him isn’t to bring us profit, fortune or fame
Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, telling them they were to humbly do the same

So have you decided yet? Live as a SLAVE to sin or SERVANT to the soon coming King?
Wear Satan’s shackles or be set free, praises to Almighty God sing?
The choice needs to be made TODAY!! for we don’t know what just a day may bring

                                                GOOD NEWS!!
                                                                                                                     By: Maxine M.

Do you ever get up early just to see what events happened over night?
So often the morning news just announces another day of personal plight
Nature on the rampage, a duck boat sank, a bridge collapsed, MORE of the ongoing political fight

Hundreds of houses destroyed by wildfires, smoke and flames devouring an entire state
Technology growing daily, but privacy is diminished, data stolen, insecurity it will create
Gun violence is daily in the news; what to do about it is a ceaseless debate

There’s nightly shootings, car and plane crashes, abuse of children by those who are SUPPOSED to represent the Lord
Lies & corruption exposed, fraud, scams, harassment, debt…money spent we can’t afford
Wars overseas, nightly clashes with police, illegal border crossings, civil unrest the Nation is moving toward

We hear of mind altering drugs illegally bought & sold on the street; millions of dollars their worth can reach
MS-13 gangs spreading terror, robberies, carjackings, schools told anything religious they can’t teach
Terrorists plot to kill, a sense of security is lost, some churches even “water-down” the Gospel they preach

A jogger is abducted and killed, a man kills his pregnant wife & 2 little girls…how ABSURD
The National Anthem & our flag are disrespected, unpatriotic speeches are heard
There’s obstruction and resistance against leadership, division reigns when unity is preferred

So daily, the BAD news prevails, bringing for many despair, killing tomorrow’s hope
But God the Father, in His Great Love, left us a message telling us how to cope
That when everything in life seems impossible, He throws us a spiritual rope

His inspired precious Holy Book has all the answers anyone could ever need
How to live the life God’s Son’s death made possible for them to lead
It has all the “GOOD NEWS” of God’s plan to SAVE souls; from the penalty of sin be freed

Proclaims how, because of Adam’s disobedience, sin came into existence
Thus the human soul is SEPERATED from its Creator…to His commands there’s resistance
But the Father continually calls them, for His love shows ever persistence

By keeping His word, submitting to His will, listening to the Holy Spirit, His guidance seek
We’ll find a PERSONAL relationship with Him, not just routine church attendance week after week
When we open our hearts to His GOOD NEWS, the “bad news” won’t leave us feeling so hopeless & bleak

We’ll recognize WHERE all the hatred, discord, evil thoughts & actions really come from
Behind it all is SATAN himself, trying to disrupt God’s plan and HIS fate to come
By spreading all those “bad news” headlines, he tries to steal our joy…make life gloomy & glum

But God knew from Creation all about today’s “bad news” and what the answers would be
Covered it all in His Guide Book, if we just take time to look and see
Have faith in His answers like: love your enemies, stay close to Him on bended knee

Hide His word in your heart, use HIS wisdom to discern truth from Satan’s lies
Learn to trust His promise of never leaving us alone, even in the worst of times this vow applies
In Faith, believe & acknowledge HE’s in CHARGE, even when we don’t understand the WHY

The Good News Book states, no matter how bad we’ve been, He will still forgive & save
By our accepting His Sacrifice, that through His death & Resurrection the way of Salvation for us was paved
When we REMEMBER all His blessings and the priceless gift of eternal life He gave

Now if we further read & study His book, we learn more GOOD NEWS
That Jesus is coming back again, a FACT no soul should ever lose
Look up every day in expectation, let this REALITY help in today’s decisions you choose

Let His coming comfort & strengthen you in these very troubling bad news days
Trust in the consolation that His Almighty power will overcome Satan & his evil ways
Let’s pray He comes SOON!! At the trumpet’s sound we’ll gather to Him…all giving Him praise


                                       Are YOU that Lost Sheep?
                                                                                                                By: Maxine M.

On the 5th day God created animals, even those little creatures that crawl & creep
But let me tell you a story that Jesus told about a flock of sheep
Just remember, SHEEP are not the smartest of any species, thus they are hard to protect & keep

He said there were 99 that safely lay in the shelter of the sheepfold, secure in the Shepherd’s care
But one was lost, strayed away somewhere; of potential danger unaware
Predators lurked, just waiting to pounce, ‘you’ll make a great mutton snack’ they declare

But the Good Shepherd left the flock (safe & sound) to look for the ONE that was lost
Because of the love He felt for every sheep, a love which even straying cannot exhaust
But to save the lost sheep, the life of the Shepherd it would cost

Only by Jesus the Shepherd’s death could ANY of the sheep be truly saved, the story will demonstrate
Since all we, like sheep, have gone astray, TURNED to our own way, now for Judgement await
LOST! until we come back to the Shepherd; in His plan of Salvation participate

The plan where WE open our heart, REPENT, then follow wherever the Shepherd will lead
Like the story’s lost sheep that the Shepherd found, we’ll rejoice in His pasture’s feed
Safe from all those worldly predators, trusting the Shepherd will provide every need

But you must first admit you are LOST, not refuting the danger that, in every life, exists
That sudden death can come to everyone…a fact so many resist
NO ONE is excluded, but until that happens, the search from the Shepherd persists

Now we are all in various sized earthly families, which God often calls His flock
He looks at us as sheep, CONSTANTLY needing His protection & guidance around the clock
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want; as the Shepherd, He takes care of His stock

We, as sheep, have a deep desire for personal peace & satisfaction that will last
And as the sheep of His pastures, the Shepherd is able to provide for our needs which are vast
He makes them lie down in green pastures, when life rushes by us so fast

The Shepherd knows that sheep need REST, time to stop and on His blessings reflect
The “green pastures” reassures us that worry about tomorrow our hearts need not detect
He leads me beside STILL waters, from mental turmoil & unrest He protects

He restores my soul and realigns our thinking, giving an “I’m able to go on” attitude
Leading His sheep in right paths, to give glory to the Shepherd’s name in gratitude
In the valley of the shadow of death, His sheep will not fear, but live in hope & fortitude

Thy Rod (Word of God) and Thy Staff (the Holy Spirit) bring comfort & protection from the enemy
Goodness & Mercy will follow all the days of my life because His death & Resurrection set me free
To KNOW I will dwell in the House of the Lord FOREVER is the ultimate divine decree

But the sad news is, this psalm does NOT cover those lost from the sheepfold
Who strayed away looking for something else, something they thought would satisfy & prosperity hold
Many are nice, friendly, well intentioned sheep, but false doctrine they’ve been told

Like saved by just doing “good”, helping others, giving to the poor, attending church once in awhile
Repeating a prewritten prayer, instead of one you genuinely from the heart compile
Not acknowledging or accepting the Shepherd’s gift of Salvation, living in continual denial

So, WHOM from your family is represented by the lost sheep the Shepherd sought?
The ONE who has NOT answered the Shepherd’s call…responded as they ought?
Perhaps entangled in worldly cares; not really thinking about WHAT Jesus’ death bought

Are YOU that lost sheep…that precious LOVED one we daily pray for?
Pray that you will heed the Holy Spirit’s conviction; a relationship to the Shepherd restore
He knows everything about you, so no response will He ever ignore

Because until death occurs , He will continue to search, ready to come to your rescue
He’s looking even for the weak and hurting lambs, those wandering and need to be made new
So PLEASE, TODAY, run back to the Shepherd, find forgiveness and more Mercy & Grace than you ever knew